Made in USA Giveaways!

Through the month of August, Draper Therapies will be giving away American Flag Blankets (pictured above) in celebration of our heritage and our 100% USA made product line. All of our followers on Twitter and Facebook will be eligible. These snuggly throws are made by our parent company, Draper Knitting, in Massachusetts (and do not contain Celliant). To enter each week, we are asking our followers to respond to a question that pertains to the growing ‘buy American’ movement. Each week the winner will be drawn at random from all correct and/or creative responses. Let’s see what you know! The winners and answers will be posted each week, and don’t worry, shipping is on us. Easy and simple!
Draper Therapies® stems from their parent company, Draper Knitting Company, a family owned and operated textile mill that has been in operation in Canton, MA since 1856. Their long standing history and ability to keep family ties strong has enabled them to change and evolve throughout the course of history- fabric innovations spanning three centuries. It is through Draper Knitting’s own evolution that Draper Therapies was brought to its inception in 2003 through the testing of a smart-fiber called Celliant®. “We started working with Celliant early on,” Kristin Draper, President, explains, “and when we saw what it could do for humans, we decided to take it to the equine and canine markets.”
All Draper Therapies products included in Draper Body Therapy, Draper Equine Therapy and Draper Canine Therapy use the technology of Celliant to provide therapeutic products to each of their respective markets. Celliant is a therapeutic fiber which is embedded with millions of microscopic minerals and gemstones that act as reflective mirrors for energy emitted from the body. This energy is redirected back to the body to relax the capillaries and provide a temporary increase in local blood flow. The result is accelerated muscle recovery and balancing the body’s temperature and making it more efficient.
Originally Celliant was used to help people suffering from diabetic neuropathy and atherosclerosis (i.e., loss of sensation and a hardening of the arteries that results in diminished blood flow and other problems), Celliant was eventually brought to the sports markets. Thanks to the innovations developed at Draper Therapies, Celliant is now being used to help humans and non-humans alike.
The natural minerals that make up the composition of Celliant are extruded into polyester when the fiber itself is being made. This process allows the properties of Celliant to last with the life of the product, and as such can never wash or wear out, making it low maintenance and cost effective. Celliant has been clinically proven in three double blind “USA” based studies to help increase comfort.
Draper Therapies strives to bring therapeutic products to the market that maintain the quality that Draper Knitting Company itself has been able to bring to the textile industry for 150+ years. All products are made in the U.S. and undergo rigorous trials to make sure the products stand the test of time. “We really want to provide easy to maintain products for those who care about their own health and wellness (or their animals); not to mention without crazy wiring systems or directions to be followed in order to use the products. We been given rave reviews by Olympians, New York Times Best Selling Authors, World Travelers and so on, so we really know that products can go up against the most strict regimes and guidelines,” says Kat Wojtylak, Product Manager. “We just want all walks of life to be feeling their best and not have pain get in the way.”
Have additional questions? Email
Week #1- Name one (1) product in your home, other than food, that was completely produced and assembled in the USA.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Abbey answered my horse jumps!! They are in my garage and made from trees grown in the usa and contructed by my dad and i 🙂 She got points for creativity!
WINNER ON TWITTER- Stacie answered Katydid shirts! I even sell them in my store A very fun and non-normal answer!
Week #2- Is there a single car on the road today that is entirely USA made and assembled?
WINNERS ON FACEBOOK- Dona and Danielle both answered no!
WINNER ON TWITTER- No correct entries this week 🙁
Here’s some great references to this question: and
Week #3- Name three manufacturers in your home state that make all their products in the USA.
WINNERS ON FACEBOOK- Elizabeth answered, New Hampshire – Lupine dog collars and leashes, Blue Seal horse grain, and Emerald Valley Equine supplements. And we chose two additional winners because of how many entries we had! Amy answered, PA- Mane & Tail, Hershey’s & Kraft Foods and Linda answered, MA-MooBella (icecream), Draper Therapies, and Bags for Sports.
WINNER ON TWITTER- Shauna answered, Texas-, BurtsBees and 🙂
A great reference for this week’s question:
Week #4-Name one store you visit regularly whose clothes aren’t made in the US. Also list one store where you could substitute your clothing purchases for a company making their products in the US. **Example- LLBean doesn’t make any of their clothing here in the United States, but Patagonia has 16 factories sourcing their product lines such as the Capilene 1 lines, all their socks and the organic cotton t-shirts.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Alice who answered “I shop at Target for my kids, but I should shop at to get all American made products!!”
WINNER ON TWITTER- No entries this week.
A super reference and interesting read on Made in America-
Week #5- Name two US toy manufacturers.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Tracey who answered Hasbro and Mattel and Tara who answered green toys and embears.
WINNER ON TWITTER- No entries this week.
This week’s great reference for toy manufacturers in the US:
Week #6- Name two US food manufacturers in your state that are not farms.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Heather who answered on behalf of MA with Cape Cod Potato Chips and Ocean Spray and Rebecca from LA who answered very enthusiastically with Zapp’s Potato Chips, Tony Chachere’s Creole seasonings, Abita Beet, Folgers Coffee, Community Coffee, Pralines and another Fabulous, Yummy and uniquely Louisiana food – TurDuckEn!!! Yep, Hebert’s Speciality Meats – home of the TurDuckEn and Boneless Stuffed Chickens! Gotta love our food!
WINNER ON TWITTER- CellularShades answered with Ben & Jerry’s and Cabot Cheese! It’s easy in Vermont!
For a major listing of food manufacturers in the US, check out:
Week #7- Name at least one locally owned family run business.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Suzanne from Massachusetts answered Draper Knitting and Youngblood Company.
WINNER ON TWITTER- No entries this week.
Week #8- Name the year in which Draper Knitting Company started their Canton, MA business.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Mary and Dorie answered correctly. The year was 1856!
WINNER ON TWITTER- No entries this week.
To read more about our company’s history, visit Company Info.
Week #9- Name two household items that you use on a regular basis that are American made and assembled.
WINNER ON FACEBOOK- Shannon with her answer of All Clad and Pyrex (favorite kitchen items of Draper Therapies!). Stephanie uses Unicorn Fabric’s pet apparel and bed wash on the doggie beds every week for laundry, and their 20-year-old Kirby vacuum was made in the US as well!
WINNER ON TWITTER- No entries this week.
LAST WEEK/Week #10- Name two facts about US Manufacturing. The more interesting and creative the answers, the better 😉
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