Changes to Draper Therapies

Changes to Draper Therapies

A note from Kristin Draper, President of Draper Therapies and Draper Knitting Company.

“It is with mixed emotions that I am to announce the departure of Kat Wojtylak from Draper Therapies and Draper Knitting Company.  Kat’s last day here at Draper will be December 7th, 2012.

The exciting part is that Kat is moving on to begin the next part of her life with her significant other, Greg and to explore new opportunities like her love of baking and going back to school. Kat has been an integral part of not only developing and growing Draper Therapies but an important part of the Draper Knitting family as well.

The obvious downside of course is the hole that she leaves behind at Draper. Kat was a major voice in picking Becky Shipps to train in her stead and will play a large role in teaching Becky the people and products of Draper Therapies. This transition period will help to continue Kat’s hard work growing the Draper Therapies business.”

The past four years have been an absolutely great and I am thankful for the time I’ve gotten to spend with each of you. However, it is at this time that I do need to mention to you that I am leaving Draper Therapies. I feel that not only have I been able to build some amazing relationships, but that I have also become close friends with so many of the customers and people I have come in contact with thanks to Draper. Working here has absolutely been a blessing. I, like Kristin have very mixed emotions about the whole thing but am excited to start a new adventure in my life. I look forward to creating new memories and carrying my friendships through into a new time of my life.

The face of Draper Therapies will be handed off to our new hire Becky Shipps, I am confident that you will enjoy working with her. I hope that you will welcome her aboard with open arms and help her in this transition period.

In the meantime, I invite you all to be a part of the first phase of my latest adventure, Eat Your Tarte Out, which is my blog about baking and cooking. Hopefully in this way we can then all stay in touch and you can stay updated on all my happenings. There are definitely many exciting things on my horizon that I can’t wait to share.

Thanks to each of you for making the past four years so memorable and contributing to the successes of Draper Therapies.

Hugs and Love, Kat

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