July 4th Shutdown

July 4th Shutdown

Every year our mill gets shutdown for the week of July 4th. It’s a great opportunity to give all our hardworking employees a break, but also gives the machines at Draper Knitting Company (our parent company) a good rest and recoup. We also accomplish a lot behind the scenes, the boss’ come in to cleanup their overflowing desks and we all regain a bit of mental clarity and some much needed Vitamin D. Technically the mill itself is shutdown for two weeks, but the Draper Therapies staff will be back in on July 11th to fill all orders. So just so you’re all aware, 7/1/11 is the last day for us to get orders out before we embark on our shutdown. We will be returning on 7/11/11 to ship everything out. (And a little secret, we’re launching our new website on that day, so be prepared for us to make up our short absence). If you have any questions at all, even during the week we’re shutdown, I’ll be checking emails periodically, so contact info@drapertherapies.com. Have a wonderful holiday!

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