Tag - Holofiber

To Infinity and Beyond!

In the fall of 2012, Draper Therapies introduced the Infinity scarf, a scarf that has ends are sewn together to make a large ring of fabric which the wearer then loops around their neck.The idea behind the design was fairly simple; a scarf with no ends couldn't be pulled or...


How Products Are Made- Part I

Jamie Cohen and Bailey enjoying the benefits of a Draper Therapies Couch Blanket. Have you ever wondered how the Draper Therapies products that end up on your body and your horse are actually made? How does that process even start? Well I'm glad...


NEW Product: Draper Equine Therapy® Heavyweight Turnout Blanket

Here at Draper Equine Therapy®, we’re proud to announce the release of our newest product for your horse, the Draper Equine Therapy Heavyweight Turnout Blanket. Designed to provide a temporary increase in local blood flow, as well as aid in thermoregulation in cooler temperatures, the Draper Equine Therapy Heavyweight...


NEW Product: Draper Equine Therapy® Stable Sheet

Our new Draper Equine Therapy® Stable Sheet is not only stylish and offers excellent therapeutic benefits for your favorite equine, but it’s also so much more than your average horse ware! We're proud to announce that our new Stable Sheet fits the Draper standards of high quality, American-made items...


The Technology Explained

Ever wondered what our spiel on our Draper Therapies products sounded like? Well listen to this great interview from the science man over at Celliant, David Horinek: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjhSBhIQqQw]


The Rumors are True!

The rumors are true...we have officially launched our new website!

On the new site you'll find so much to get into, but in short, all of our social media is integrated making it easy to follow our blog and updates along with everything we’re doing on