3 Must-Haves for the Adult Re-Rider

3 Must-Haves for the Adult Re-Rider

Taking a break from horses or from riding happens. Whether the choice is by choice or imposed by life circumstances, the rider in us can’t wait until the day we can get back in the saddle. And when that magical day comes, our excitement and enthusiasm carry us through the first ride (or first few rides)… and then the soreness kicks in. Truth is, riding makes us use muscles we don’t really use any other time!

While sheer delight might get you through the first few rides, it’s important to have a good post-ride recovery routine in place to help you smooth our the transition from muggle to equestrian. Here’s three things we’ve found to be lifesavers for the adult re-riders in our program.

  1. Good Stretches

Stretching pre and post ride can help not only with your fitness, but also with your flexibility. This can not only help you stay more comfortable post-ride, but also help you be more flexible and affective in the saddle, too! Horse&Rider Magazine has some great pre-ride stretches, and USEquestrian shares some of the pre and post-ride stretches they recommend (as demonstrated by the vaulting team!).

2. Tasty Snack

Some of our riders have a 30+ minute commute to the barn. While that might not seem like a lot, when you factor in untacking, putting away equipment and other horse care on top of the drive, there can be a long time between the ride and the refuel! Bringing a little snack to have before you hop in the car to head home can make the commute less grueling.

3. Comfy Clothes

After you get home after an evening lesson, what’s better than curling up in some comfy sweats and relaxing? Instead of your basic cotton garments, consider upgrading to lounge pants and tee’s made with Celliant®. The high-tech fiber helps your body recovery faster so you can get back to doing what you love—riding—sooner!

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