Good Times and Great Smiles at Devon

Good Times and Great Smiles at Devon

Here we are just a few days after Dressage at Devon and we can’t stop talking about the awesome time we had, even the rain storms couldn’t wipe our smiles away!

DAD provided so much this year that was interactive and fun on so many levels. We took part in the educational seminar’s hosted by Hassler Dressage in which Scott Hassler and Ingo Pape talked about sporthorse breeding on a worldwide level and offering great tips to those domestic breeders who were competing over the course of the weekend. Even if breeding wasn’t your “thing,” it was still an awesome opportunity to learn where the sport of Dressage is headed. Everyone could walk away learning something or helping to share in something that meant to much to the crowd in attendance.

Guy McLean headed up a bunch of intermission breaks showcasing his awesome horsemanship skills. One of his most renowned demonstrations was when three horses stood over a horse that was laying down, to “keep him from running away.” That included three horses without bridles, saddles, anything!

I also had the opportunity to take part in Ladies Hat Day which was so much fun! It was a classy way of integrating dress up into an event. Each of the forty or so entries had great stories behind their creation, the one I got lined up next to was a taxidermist who had the most beautiful form fitting hat with a protruding pheasant feather with glitzy details to bring it all together. There was even a woman who created the perfect de-worming hat complete with parasites!

We then got the opportunity to watch and sit down with our Draper Therapies Advisory Board Members Laura Noyes and Susanne Hassler. Susanne pretty much brought on the rain during her rides in the Friday and Saturday night Grand Prix classes, but put on some awesome rides on her mount Baroncelli who is an avid user of the Draper products. Laura Noyes also competed Syncro this weekend with a broken foot. Yes, we are totally serious. She even had an awesome schooling with young horse Galveston. Talk about stoic!

The real shining moment of the week at Devon came from handing out the Best Foot Forward Awards. The award as usual came as a complete surprise, and everyone was just lovely to talk to. We had a horse show mom come over to tell us how amazing this was for her daughter and was absolutely thrilled we were doing this. And we even spotted award winners using their awarded products later in the week which made us smile huge! So thank you Dressage at Devon exhibitors for providing us with a fun filled and truly pleasurable time! Winners of the Best Foot Forward Award throughout Dressage at Devon included, Ashlea Day, Heather Mason, Dana Rivera, Chase Hickok, Jackie Kinney, Yvonne Barteau, Shari Cutchin, Ulla Parker, Sharon Markel-Beattie, Christopher Schruefer and Emily Foran.

Harmony in Horses, Jackie Kinney and Debbie Hill all smiles with Ribery 20 winning the Best Foot Forward Award

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