Quick Updates Before the Weekend

Quick Updates Before the Weekend

Hi all, CJ here. The weather out here has been crazy, going from rainy to stormy, with lots of humidity that makes my head hurt and my allergies go crazy. It’s been a long week, and I am looking forward to the weekend for sure. In the meantime, I wanted to share a few quick tips and tricks on dealing with crazy allergies, a tight neck and shoulders from a very long week of work, and how to kick back and unwind.

First, I couldn’t live without my Draper neck wrap and my eye pillow. I go to sleep with both of them every night, and the cooling sensation and lavender scent helps me leave the stress of the day behind. In addition, the therapeutic effects of the Draper fabric help my circulation, and for the first time in a long time, I’m waking up without puffy eyes and a sore stiff neck.

Next, I’ve been sleeping in my Draper new blue tee, which adds to the effect of the neck wrap and eye pillow. Even my back gets some time to recover when I’m sleeping, which is definitely a good thing. Years ago I had a bad horse accident and my back and neck have never been the same since. Recently, I reaggravated those old injuries, and ended up with a week long migraine. Talk about things I never want to do again…fortunately with the Draper products, so far, so good and I’ve been migraine free!

And finally, who could forget our furry friends? My cat Cori recently had cryorsurgery to remove some polyps in her ears. It’s much less invasive than traditional surgery but recovery takes a few weeks and she’s an older cat (15 years young) and was a bit stressed post-op. Surgery was Wednesday, and she’d been feeling uncomfortable and not been sleeping well, so I gave her the dog’s therapy blanket, wrapped her up in it, and she’s been able to relax some and de-stress which is a huge relief for both of us. It’s bad enough when I am uncomfortable, but seeing my kitty not feeling well is even harder to deal with. Right now she’s curled up in my lap as I type this, with her Draper blanket underneath her. You can follow her story on our vet’s blog CaringVetsBlog.com where she’s going to be featured next week.

That’s all for now, but check back next week for more updates on my animal crew, including an introduction to my two horses that are using Draper recovery wraps while on stall rest. And of course, have a wonderful weekend!

-CJ Millar

Cori is looking forward to lounging in her garden again very soon!
Cori is looking forward to lounging in her garden again very soon!

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