New Year, New Resolutions

New Year, New Resolutions

Every year we get wrapped into the idea of starting the year off fresh and accomplishing at least one thing we set our minds to. But how often do we actually meet our New Year’s Resolutions?

After reading about people already starting to make their lists for the New Year, I did some research to find out what most people are putting forward as a resolution. In no particular order here are the top ones I found: spend more time with family and friends, fit in fitness, tame the bulge, quit smoking, enjoy life more, quit drinking, get out of debt, learn something new, manage stress, take a trip,  help others and get organized. So pretty much every resolution fits into one of these categories and is your own personal variation on them, right?

Well, when you write out your list, what is it you’re after? What has inspired you to do something? I know recently I watched the movie The Bucket List and in doing so I got inspired. It’s a much bigger list of New Year’s resolutions that I wish to do before I “kick the bucket”. On a smaller scale however, I decided to accomplish one of those items off my list each year which turned into my New Years Resolutions. I broke it down to not stress myself out over too big a picture. Well what will really and truly get me there though? The video below is a great way to actually start applying your grand idea into something tangible that anyone can achieve.


One of my friend’s from my childhood decided to tour the world. This is something a lot of us say we’ll do eventually. Well guess what? She’s out there living her dream and experiencing new things she is completely and utterly scared of. She broke it down by country, starting with a road trip of the United States. What she is learning along the way is not only more about herself and her relationship with her partner, but all that the world has to offer. Lindsey planned and saved, and used the relationships she had with her friends to fill in the gaps and make her dream possible. She did everything she could, failed some along the way, but continued to pick herself up and never let that dream die. In the New Year, she’ll embark to another country and use everything she gained about the past year to enhance her adventures. She made it happen.  To learn more about Lindsey and Josh’s journey, read the Covey Krol World Tour.

We have a few weeks left before the New Year, so what is it that we’ll plan to accomplish in 2012 and have it become a reality instead of a fleeting thought?

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