Tag - Animal

Equine Affaire Version 2.0

Are you intrigued?       How about now?   Last year we decided just to go and walk Equine Affaire. We donned some pretty awesome white wigs and this year we decided to step it up. We'll be handing out some equally as fantastic goodies, but with improved outfits. This picture is of Wendy...


Equine Therapy Seminar

Susanne Hassler and Kat Wojtylak at a recent visit to Hassler Dressage

Equine Physical Therapy Seminar

Benefitting the Equine Athlete with Ground Breaking Physical Therapy Featuring Narelle Stubbs PhD and Nicole Rombach, MS July 23, 2011 Seminar 9am-3:30pm July 24, 2011  Individual Treatment Sessions  Hassler Dressage is proud to bring the expertise of equine...


A Winning Combination

Jamie Cohen and Kat Wojtylak of Draper Therapies Jamie Cohen Equine Sports Massage is proud to announce his partnership with Draper Equine Therapy, making their complete line of outstanding therapy products available to all of his clients. The team at Draper Equine Therapy is...