Gifts That Keep On Giving

Gifts That Keep On Giving

Thanksgiving is over and that means it’s the crazy, heartwarming, fun-filled month of holiday everything. We all celebrate the holidays a bit differently, church services, visiting with family, dinner parties, decorating, baking cookies and/or shopping; but regardless, it’s about coming together and being with the ones we love and going above and beyond.

As many of you know, or will come to know after this post, community aka our family of customers and vendors, is everything to us as a company. We truly pride ourselves on creating long lasting relationships with everyone we come in contact. Because of this, we find we have tons of friends everywhere we go and great conversations to be had. Yes, we create products that help people and animals live a healthier lifestyle, but it’s about much more than that.

I had the opportunity to go with my Aunt and Uncle this Thanksgiving to the Response to Love Center in my hometown of Buffalo, NY to volunteer and provide warm, healthy meals to the homeless. It was a humbling feeling to think that as I’m trying to conjure up shopping lists, a basic meal is hard to come by in some cases. It really was amazing to me how much I learned in those few hours about how anyone can create an opportunity for others, all they have to do is commit to helping.

One of our little “babies” we started a few years ago is the Draper Philanthropy Project and it’s just a way as a company that we try and give back, to provide more to those who may not have it. In this specific case it isn’t a warm meal, it’s about the battle one may face if diagnosed with adrenal cancer. We keep this dedicated blog to talk about everything going on in the field of adrenal cancer, but it’s a way of talking about life itself and cherishing all that is given to us, even in the smallest of packages.

So when you find yourself out and about this holiday season, just remember that you can do things to help which may be built into your holiday plan. Buy a tree, which you’re probably going to do anyways from a farm who will donate proceeds to a charity (such as Dutchman Tree Farms). Buy products whose proceeds will go to a charity you believe in or buy American made products to help keep jobs here in the US. Make a tax deductible donation, which will also help come tax time in another few weeks. Or just lend a helping hand. Each and everything will have a ripple effect of goodness.

With that said, all of us here are wishing you all the most magical holiday season with your family! We can’t wait to see all the wonderful things this season brings.

From our family to yours,

The Draper Therapies Team

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