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Made in USA Giveaways!

Waving flag blanket to be given away featured in the top left hand corner of the picture. Through the month of August, Draper Therapies will be giving away American Flag Blankets (pictured above) in celebration of our heritage and our 100% USA made product line. All of our followers on...


The Rumors are True!

The rumors are true...we have officially launched our new website!

On the new site you'll find so much to get into, but in short, all of our social media is integrated making it easy to follow our blog and updates along with everything we’re doing on


We <3 Wegmans

I've been waiting for the day when I'd get to start talking about Wegmans on a blog, actually to be honest, just mention anything food and I'll mention Wegmans a hundred times in any given situation with a giant smile. And now I've gotten all of Draper hooked. It's an...