Tag - riveredge

Equine Wellness Symposium

Susanne Hassler and Baroncelli Don’t miss out on the Equine Wellness Symposium, August 18-19, 2012, proudly produced by Hassler Dressage at Riveredge. Amateurs and industry professionals alike have much to gain from this informative, 2-day symposium! They have invited top experts in their fields to...


Equine Therapy Seminar

Susanne Hassler and Kat Wojtylak at a recent visit to Hassler Dressage

Equine Physical Therapy Seminar

Benefitting the Equine Athlete with Ground Breaking Physical Therapy Featuring Narelle Stubbs PhD and Nicole Rombach, MS July 23, 2011 Seminar 9am-3:30pm July 24, 2011  Individual Treatment Sessions  Hassler Dressage is proud to bring the expertise of equine...